Start / Certifications
- CECOA Quality Management System is certified under NP EN ISO 9001 since 2005, concretely and since 2009 under NP EN ISO 9001:2008, improving continuously the quality of the services provided with a view to client’s needs and expectations satisfaction.
- Following the publication of the Order 851/2010, from 06th September regulating the new Portuguese System of VET Providers Certification, and according to article 4º, CECOA is released from this certification process as Vocational Education and Training is an activity foreseen in it legal creation decree. However, until July 2011, CECOA was an entity recognized under the former Portuguese system of assessment and accreditation of VET Providers. The national body responsible for insuring VET quality and the certification of VET Providers operating within the National Qualification System is DGERT - General diretorate for Employment and Labour Relations (Ministry of Solidarity, Employment and Social Security).
- CECOA is, since 2001, certified by the competent body ANQEP - the National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education and Training, as a centre dedicated to guidance, validation, assessment and certification of (formal, non formal and informal) skills and competences of Adults.
- CECOA initial pedagogical training of trainers’ course is approved by the competent body IEFP - Institute of Employment and Vocational Training, allowing participants assessed positively, to request the “Certificate of Pedagogical Competences”. This certificate is required for trainers operating within the National Qualification System.