Return on Training Investment
The aim of this project is to conceive, develop and implement a methodology and a set of tools allowing training providers, companies (namely SME’s) and other stakeholders to evaluate the return on training investment.
Specific aims
• To built a tool to calculate the connection between cost/profit of any training program;
• To conceive a methodology and a set of tools to able training providers and companies to evaluate the “training validity”, the “transfer validity” and the “intra-organization validity”;
• To test the methodology and the tools on a wide sample in several European Countries;
• To spread the results to other countries not belonging to the partnership.
CECOA – Centro de Formação Profissional para o Comércio e Afins (Portugal)
BFI - Berufsförderungsinstitut Steiermark (Austria)
CCP - Confederação do Comércio e Serviços de Portugal (Portugal)
EPM - Escola Profissional do Montijo (Portugal)
IDEC - Industrial Development & Education Centre (Greece)
IDRHA - Instituto de Desenvolvimento Rural e Hidráulica (Portugal)
SREP – The Romania Society for Lifelong Learning (Romania)
TEMPO – Training & Consulting, Ltd (Czech Republic)
ZNANIA – Centre for Vocational Training (Bulgaria)
HRDC – Hellenic Regional Development Centre (Greeece)
• State of the Art Report;
• Evaluation & ROI Glossary;
• ROI Evaluation Model;
• ROI Methodology;
• ROI Indicators;
• ROI Tools and testing at SME’s European context;
• Training the Trainers at ROI Evaluation Measures;
• ROI Dissemination Strategy;
• ROI Project Website.
January 2003 – July 2005
Leonardo da Vinci Programme – Pilot Projects
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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