Start / Adult Education

Adult Education

Society is in a constant changing, at social and professional level, and this change demands from Adults growing levels of knowledge, skills and competences.

Vocational education and training (VET) has to follow these changes and answer to the challenges of this increasingly demanding society.

CECOA has contributed positively to the development of quality Lifelong Learning in Portugal, answering effectively to the challenges of today's society. We have a training offer that is comprehensive and lead to qualifications in several demanding professions/occupations, enabling Adults to make an appropriate choice that answer to their needs, profiles and motivations.


Different Adult Education types of training are available ranging from Initial VET providing a complete qualification to smaller training units leading to a complete qualification, to training of trainers or Coaching solutions.


Contact us


213 112 400 *


223 392 680 *


239 851 360 *

*Chamada para a rede fixa nacional