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AVALNET - Training Evaluation and ROI Network

The general aim of the project is to provide useful, how-to information, current best practices and links to business results; to share new theories and their application; to report emerging trends and address the implication of relevant thematics in the field of training evaluation and ROI.

The main purpose of this network is the conception, deliver and transfer of innovative products in the field of assessment, evaluation and ROI, with a view to improve the quality of VET systems and practices throughout Europe.

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C.E.S.E Project - Commercial English for SME's Employees

The project aims at identifying materials and methodology (DVD and related website) for the teaching and self- teaching of English to trade SME’s employees.

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COMINTER - Implementation of a European Qualification Profile in International Trade

The general aim of the project is to produce and implement a common European qualification in International Trade.

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CompServ SME - Competencies Development through Self-learning in Service SME’s

The project aims to develop and test self-learning tools addressed to empowering SME’s worker competencies of the services setor and through it to improve the quality and the work organisation towards a learning organisation.

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CSR/SME - Promoting Social Responsibility in Small and Medium Size Enterprises

The aim of this project is to promote the debate about corporate responsibility and to train and teach how to implement good working practices inside SME's under the social responsibility ground.

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ELQ-SMEs - E-Learning Quality for SMEs: Guidance and Counselling

The general aim of the project is to promote the use of the new multimedia technologies and a guidance and counselling approach in order to improve the quality of learning by facilitating access to online resources and training services as well as tools to evaluate the quality and the return on investment in e-learning targeted in SME’S from the trade and services setor.

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EQUAL - Professional Profiles for the E-Commerce - Training Needs

The project is addressed to the retail SME’s and has the following aims: - To identify job profiles or new skills due to the growth of the e-commerce; - To conceive a training offer capable to identify training needs, standing in a methodology and tools of half presence learning and half distance learning supported on NICT;

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EUFACINET - European Facilitators Network

The general aim of the project is to achieve a pool of competence facilitators of workplace learning assisted and strengthened by a support system of resources and networks. Therefore the EUFACINET Project aims at building on the results of COMPSERV SME Project and other projects, to transfer and supplement the materials produced in COMPSERV SME to other national and setoral contexts.

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EURASMENT - European Assistant for Small and Medium Enterprises

The general aim of the Project EURASMENT is the development and implementation of a Common European Management Assistant for SME’s Professional and Qualification Profile based on the “sustainable professionnalisation”methodologythat respectsand applies the ECVET principles of mutual recognition and mobility.

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EUROAST - European Assistant

The general aim of this project is to develop a European Assistant Certification, following the technical specifications of ECVET with the perspective of transferring the experience obtained in the COMINTER and EURASMENT projects.

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InnoTrain CSR - Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as a qualification in vocational education and training - Innovative training program

The project aims at integrating strategic knowledge and practical skills on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as a qualification in vocational education and training (VET). The project also aims to transfer missing CSR knowledge into enterprises by qualifying trainers especially in SMEs and training providers.

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International Entrepreneurship

The project main aim is to contribute to the Lisbon goal of making Europe the world’s leading economy by promoting the quantity and enhancing the quality of international entrepreneurs.

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Peer Review Extended II

The project aims at the transfer and further development of two previous projects “Peer Review in initial VET” and “Peer Review Extended” and of the European Peer Review methodology as an element of the Common Quality Assurance Framework (CQAF).

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Peer Review in Initial VET in Europe

The project aims at introducing Peer Review as a new instrument for quality assurance and development to the initial vocational education and training setor throughout Europe.

A common European standard for implementing Peer Review will promote co-operation and understanding as well as enhance transparency between the diverse vocational education and training systems in Europe.

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RECOMFOR - Network for Vocational Education and Training in Trade setor

The aim of the project is to create a European training network (level 4 and 5 EQF) dedicated to the Trade setor, and in a first moment, specifically to the International Trade. It aims at opening a European training space in which mobility (both in training in training centers and in work placements in companies) is an essential component, in accordance with ECVET principles.

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This net is constituted by vocational training and education organizations of the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and United Kingdom. REFER is a structured, decentralised, networked system of information collection and dissemination. It provides high quality information on a wide range of developments in vocational education and training, and learning in the European Union by bringing together the expertise of key organisations. It has been established by CEDEFOP to meet the growing demand for information that makes comparisons possible between Member States, on their developments and policies. The network’s tasks fall into three categories: documentation and dissemination, collection and analysis of information and research.

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Resyfac - Reference System For Facilitators of Learning

The general aim of this project is to contribute to the recognition/transparency of qualifications of facilitators of learning in the European space and consequently to contribute to a sounder and effective mobility of these professionals in the European Space through the setting up of a Reference System at the European level which will be the basis of a future ECVET System for Facilitators of Learning.

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Return on Training Investment

The aim of this project is to conceive, develop and implement a methodology and a set of tools allowing training providers, companies (namely SME’s) and other stakeholders to evaluate the return on training investment.

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SOCIALSME - Sustainability and social responsibility through learning in SME

The aim of this project is to conceive, develop and implement a methodology and a set of tools allowing training providers, companies (namely SME’s) and other stakeholders to evaluate the return on training investment.

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TIPTOE - Testing and Implementing EQF- and ECVET-Principles in Trade Organizations and Education

The main aim of TIPTOE is twofold. Firstly, to establish and to implement a working method in order to get agreement on the linkage of occupations to their corresponding VET-offer and to the EQF in the trade setor in the countries involved in the project. Secondly, this working method is intended to lead to the definition of an overall EU-widely accepted, so-called EQF-map for the trade setor, with accompanying guidelines for the interpretation and application of EQF- and ECVET-terms and principles, so that the method of map-construction can be used in other setors and countries as well.

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EuroPeerGuid - European Peer Review in Guidance and Counselling in Adult Vocational Education and Training - a contribution to EQARF implementation

At national level, each of the countries involved (Finland, France, Portugal and Slovenia) face, on one hand, the need to adapt their own VET system and quality VET assurance and development system to integrate EQARF recommendations, and on the other hand, are dealing with the implementation of LLL policies and the corresponding need to address quality assurance and development in a particular field of VET operation - guidance and counselling in Adult VET. The project will transfer the European Peer Review (PR) methodology, an innovative methodology combining external evaluation with self-assessment, that supports VET Providers in their efforts to improve the quality of their provision, built on the principles and recommendations of former CQAF currently EQARF, and through this, it will bring a positive answer to the 2 challenges referred.

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MEET - Management E-learning Experience for Training

The project aims to implement an innovative training practice (Business Game - BG) and to transfer it from the applicant’s country (Italy) to the other partner countries (France, Portugal, The Netherlands, Estonia, Poland, Romania and Slovenia) and in particular from the higher education to the VET (EQF level 4 – 5). Moreover it aims at encouraging a possible development of the practice in the LLP and the setting out of pedagogical solutions based on ICT.

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ROQET - Road to Excellence in the Training Quality Process. Key Competences of the Trainer Tutor in the Teaching-Learning Process

The principal aim of the project is to obtain an improvement in quality and innovation in the systems, institutions and educational and vocational training practices in a transnational context. The goals and objectives of the project ROQET are the creation, development and implementation of competences assessment system for the trainers of the VET centers, adapting it to the established systems in the different countries, taking as reference the European Common Quality Assurance Framework 

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COPELLL - Lifelong Learning for Competitiveness in Small and Medium Enterprises


This project has as main purpose to raise awareness of entrepreneurs of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to the potential of lifelong learning (LLL), promoting initiatives and offers of vocational education and training (VET) in Portugal for this audience as well as good practices.

The project is also intended to promote and develop the national entrepreneurship, contributing to business sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR), particularly from the internal perspective of CSR, through VET and awareness regarding the benefits of lifelong learning.


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The overall objective of this project is to improve the quality assurance of international work placement of learners by implementing and testing the EUMOVE portal - - and its quality approach in the trade sector. This platform aims at making available relevant tools and instruments to facilitate mobility and to minimize the barriers to go abroad, not only for learners but also for VET providers and companies.
Within the EUMOVE II context, the challenge will be to ensure easily highly qualitative and certified companies on the platform and to develop a network of agents in the cooperating countries to guarantee the quality of the companies.

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G&G2 - Grandparents&Grandchildrens

O projeto visa a promoção e incentivo da literacia digital entre a população idosa permitindo a aquisição de uma cidadania plena na sociedade digital.

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RESLEA - Reduction Early School Leaving of young people

This project aims to contribute to the development of innovative approaches and specific instruments for the reduction of young people in risk and the early school leavers which are considered crucial for the participation in LLL and a better integration in society.

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(G)Local Return - Employability and Skills Anticipation Policies: a Social ROI Approach

The project will create value through inclusive growth based on knowledge, ensuring lifelong skills and acquisition of more competitive qualifications, adjusted to the new market demands. The project is also intended to promote debate about: the jobs crisis from the countries involved in the partnership perspective; the emerging skills, oriented to the labor market needs; the stakeholders’ role as "facilitators" for a better coordination between the supply and the demand. The project's main objective is, thererefore, to calculate the social return on investment of measures within active labour market and vocational education and training (VET) policies, providing a mechanism for skills forecasting and training needs assessment within a local/regional framework and focused on learning outcomes.

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PRALINE - Peer Review in Adult Learning to Improve Formal and Non-formal Education

This project aims at developing innovative and sustainable initia¬tives to support Adult Learning (AL) providers, specifically those of the Non-formal domain, in approaching Quality Assurance in their organization and training provision.
Indeed Quality culture, intended to raise stakeholders’ attention to learning outcomes, sector professionals’ training, resources, models of management, organizational patterns, etc is a priority in the EU Agenda for AL aimed at ensuring the “possibilities for adults to access high-quality learning opportunities, regardless of gender and their personal and family circumstances”.

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ALL-ECOM project seeks to address the challenge of skills and competencies imbalance within the commerce sector by improving commerce human resources’ qualifications in e-commerce through the integration of new technologies in the strategy of both retail and wholesale commerce and by contributing to ensure harmonization at national and European level of standards of qualifications and skills in the e-commerce.

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NEETS at Risk

he NEETS at Risk Project combines the development of an effective methodology to identify young people at risk of becoming NEETs (Not in Education, Employment or Training), an innovative intervention drawing on existing good practice piloted in Portugal, Italy and Spain to prevent young people with such characteristics from becoming NEET, and an impact analysis to measure the outcomes of these pilots at regional/national level.
The project aims to develop an effective front-end strategy to address the NEET issue within the EU, by focusing on prevention rather than remedial actions and supporting a “smoother” transition of potential NEETs from the VET system to the world of work.

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Skills Enhancement in Retail

O Projeto “Enhancement of Skills in Retail” visa abordar as questões e desafios que limitam a empregabilidade no setor do comércio, melhorando e padronizando a oferta de educação e formação profissional do setor, contribuindo, desta forma, para aumentar a competitividade e qualidade das empresas bem como a motivação e mobilidade dos trabalhadores do setor, a nível europeu.

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QualiTools for IT Trainers

The QualiTools for IT Trainers Project seeks to enhance the professional development of VET teachers and trainers by strengthening their transversal skills of adapting training to learners needs, reflecting on the quality of training processes, evaluating outcomes and transfer, improving their own practice accordingly

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DiGiGo - Apprenticeships in the digital era

DIGIGO project aims to support the acquisition of digital skills of VET learners, during apprenticeships and to decrease the skills mismatch of VET learners in national and international labour market.

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RetRail - New Trends in Retail Commerce

RetRail is a transnational project which teaches small retail businesses to keep up with technological evolution and new consumer trends, making them more competitive in an ever-changing market. RetRail’s aim is to introduce retail SMEs in the world of digital business innovation and help them to keep up with their larger counterparts to boost their sales.

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SALM - Skills and Labour Market to Raise Youth Employment

The aim of the SALM project is to contribute to the development of innovative approaches and specific instruments for the reduction of the youth unemployment rate equipping people with the right skills for employment which is considered crucial for the employment target and a better social inclusion of the 2020 Strategy, and for the effective participation in Lifelong Learning.

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Coach para Oportunidades Empreendedoras

O projeto tem como principal objetivo formar profissionais envolvidos no reconhecimento, no aconselhamento, na orientação e na promoção de soluções para cidadãos desempregados, trabalhadores séniores e jovens interessados em melhorar e/ou adquirir competências empreendedoras, através do desenvolvimento de um Perfil do «Coach Empreendedor», de um «Passaporte Empreendedor» e de formação nesta área.

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ComNetNEET - Community Networking for Integration of Young People in NEET Situation

The project’s main aims  are  to develop an innovative methodology, drawing on existing best practices in partners’ countries, to pilot it in Portugal, Italy and Spain, and to analyse the outputs, outcomes and impacts of these pilots a local and regional level.

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ESITL - European Skills for International Trade & Logistics

The main aim of the project is to facilitate the evaluation and recognition of learning outcomes that vocational education and training learners achieved during mobility periods abroad, in two specific sectors (international trade and transports & logistics).

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DIGITAL PR - Digital Peer Review for green and digital VET

DIGITAL PR aims to improve the quality and attractiveness of VET education by reinforcing self-assessment and peer assessment competencies for managers and trainers.

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INTRADE - International Trade Mobility for You

This project was born within the context of the sending organization development plans and internationalization strategy (with over 20 years of investment/activity in R&D and Innovation, Cooperation and Partnership national and international projects) as well as a result of the specific needs of the project direct beneficiaries.

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GPM - The Transfer of Competences and Trainings for Goods and Products Manipulator

O objetivo deste projeto é preencher a lacuna existente no Sistema de Educação e Formação Profissional (EFP) Esloveno no que toca ao Perfil de ""Repositor de Mercadorias e Produtos"" através da transferência de dois países estrangeiros - Portugal e Espanha - do correspondente Perfil Profissional (conhecimentos e competências) e das boas práticas em matéria de Referenciais de Formação. No caso concreto de Portugal, o referencial nacional a considerar é a qualificação de ?Empregado Comercial?, uma das qualificações da área do comércio que integra o Quadro Nacional de Qualificações.

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ROI - Return on Investment of Work Based Learning and Apprenticeships

The general aim of the project is to promote work based learning (WBL) and apprenticeships by making evident the benefits of WBL and apprenticeships to SMEs and to the society as a whole and by increasing SMEs awareness of the cost-benefit analysis deriving from work-based learning strategies. For that, the project intend to develop of a return on investment (ROI) model and a digital tool that will allow European SMEs to calculate how investment on WBL and apprenticeships can manifest to multiple benefits for the company itself and the local society.

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PROFI-VNFIL - Ensure the professionalization and good functioning of VNFIL

The main goal of the project is to ensure the professionalization and well-functioning of high-quality systems of VNFIL (validation of non-formal and informal learning)

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DigiVET - Digital Media for VET in SMEs: Online learning of digital media competences for SMEs to empower workplace learning

Enhance learning opportunities for low qualified employees through work-based learning, by developing skills for the competent use of digital learning media in VET trainers in and trainers in small SMEs.

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QUANTUM -QUAlity Networks: fine-TUning Monitoring systems for better performances in VET

The main aim of the project is to promote the relevance and effectiveness of vocational education and training (VET) and its contribution to employment in Europe.

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VET CARE - Building Capacity and VET for Migrants Care Workers in Europe

VET CARE aims to provide practical and useful answers regarding qualifications for the labour market, in the segment of long-term care services, contributing for integration and social inclusion of migrants.

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