Start / Inovação no CECOA / Projetos internacionais / RESLEA - Reduction Early School Leaving of young people

RESLEA - Reduction Early School Leaving of young people



This project aims to contribute to the development of innovative approaches and specific instruments for the reduction of young people in risk and the early school leavers which are considered crucial for the participation in LLL and a better integration in society.

Specific aims

• To deepen the knowledge on national, regional and local policies and practices in interaction to support the reduction of the early school leaving in the partner countries;
• To undertake a comparative analysis of national, regional and local policies and practices to support the reduction of the early school leaving in the project Member States;
• To identify the effectiveness of the different measures adopted to fight the reduction of the early school leaving and a set of dimensions and related key success factors to be included in a model as well as the building of a battery of benchmarking indicators;
• To develop a short study in areas with higher level of early school leaving to compare the different approaches of the partners and their impact in the participation of lifelong learning strategy;
• To reinforce the role of different stakeholders (school, local community, family, local business, public sector and social partners) in order to find new approaches to solve the early school leaving problem;
• To conduct a pilot project on the success factors of attractiveness of schools and training entities;
• To develop a model incorporating the success factors of attractiveness of schools and training entities for the young people;
• To validate the model through multi-stakeholders focus groups and by piloting in 4 partner countries;
• To promote workshops/meetings in the context of the project to exchange experiences and identify best practices;
• To systematically evaluate the project activities and its interim and final results;
• To disseminate, at national level in each partner country, the project results among relevant target.


Universidade Católica Portuguesa – Centro de Estudos dos Povos e Culturas de Expressão Portuguesa (Portugal)
Contacts: Roberto Carneiro , Fernando Chau , Cândida  and José Sousa Fialho 

CECOA - Centro de Formação Profissional para o Comércio e Afins (Portugal)
Contact: Vanda Vieira 

EPIS - Empresários pela Inclusão Social (Portugal)
Contact: Diogo Simões Pereira 

ISOB GmbH (Germany)
Contact: Alexander Krauß  e Wiebke Schmidt 

SZAMALK - Education and Information Technologies (Hungary)
Contacto: László Komáromi 

SCV - School Centre Velenje (Slovenia)
Contact: Miran Pape 

Hackney Community College (United Kingdom)
Contact: Tayebeh Kazempour 

MENON Network (Belgium)
Contact: Claudio Dondi e Fabio Nascimbeni (

New Technologies and Learning in Europe (United Kingdom)
Contact: Walter F. Kugemann , Simon Heid  and Thomas Fischer 


• Comparative analysis of national, regional and local policies and practices to support the reduction of the early school leaving in Member States of the European Union
• Short study in areas with higher level of early school leaving to compare the different approaches of the partners and their impact in the participation of lifelong learning strategy
• Methodology applied in early school leaving
• Pilot project
• Toolkits for schools and and training entities; families and communities; teachers and trainers for learning and training support
• Workshops/meetings in the context of the project to exchange experiences and identify best practices

February 2012 – January 2014

Lifelong Learning Programme
Sub Programme: Policy Co-operation and Innovation in Lifelong Learning


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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