G&G2 - Grandparents&Grandchildrens
The general objective of this project is to promote and foster DIGITAL LITERACY AMONG ELDERLY POPULATION allowing them to gain full citizenship in the digital society.
Specific aims
• To disseminate a good practice related to digital literacy for elderly people named “G&G Grandparents and Grandchildren”;
• To localize it in new EU countries thanks to the translation of the teaching materials available into new languages, for their use in new local G&G initiatives;
• To support the development of specifications regarding new resources and training units to be integrated into the G&G catalogue.
EnAIP FVG - Ente ACLI Istruzione Formazione Professionale Friuli Venezia Giulia (ltaly)
Website: www.enaip.fvg.it
Contact: Gilberto Collinassi
CECOA - Centro de Formação Profissional para o Comércio e Afins (Portugal)
Website: www.cecoa.pt
Contact: Vanda Vieira
VZW KSO - Waregem-Avelgem-Anzegem (Belgium)
Entiteit CVO Sint-Paulus
Website: www.cvowaregem.be
Contact: Christophe Lombaert
Gezinsbond (Belgium)
Website: www.gezinsbond.be
Contact: Pol Ostyn
Vytauto Did?iojo Universitetas (Lithuania)
Website: www.vdu.lt
Contact: Tomas Sabaliauskas
Website: www.buje.hr
Contact: Sabrina Quarantotto
• Virtual learning environment ready for cooperation (http://www.geengee.eu/)
• G&G updated training set (handbooks and on-line lessons) available in English for all partners
• G&G training set translated in all partners languages and development of local specific contents
• G&G pilot training activities carried-out in all partner countries
• Pilot training of 35 Grandchildren and 70 Grandparents
• Specifications and recommendations for further G&G materials and initiatives
September 2011 – July 2013
Lifelong Learning Programme
GRUNDTVIG Sub-programme
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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