Start / Inovação no CECOA / Projetos internacionais / ELQ-SMEs - E-Learning Quality for SMEs: Guidance and Counselling

ELQ-SMEs - E-Learning Quality for SMEs: Guidance and Counselling



The general aim of the project is to promote the use of the new multimedia technologies and a guidance and counselling approach in order to improve the quality of learning by facilitating access to online resources and training services as well as tools to evaluate the quality and the return on investment in e-learning targeted in SME’S from the trade and services setor.


Specific aims

  • To evaluate the SME’s organizational requirements, quality criteria and attitudes towards distance learning;
  • To assemble the connection between the offer and the demand of distance learning courses for the trade and services setor;
  • To create Project Local Committees involving the end users in order to validate the project outputs;
  • To assemble the criteria for evaluating quality in e-learning courses target to SME’s;
  • To train training consultants on e-learning quality and ROI methodology;
  • To adapt the ROI methodology to the e-learning context;
  • To benchmark best practices of e-learning courses target to the trade setor, focused on the special needs of SME’s managers, owners and other decision makers;
  • To select quality criteria and ROI methodology requirements;
  • To test the ROI Methodology for the e-Learning Courses;
  • To evaluate the ROI of the e-learning and to disseminate it near to the end users according to the valorisation plan;
  • To create a Guide to conceive and evaluate e-learning courses for SME’s entrepreneurs, oriented to a business strategy;
  • To conceived a Guide target to the training providers from the public and private setor in order to help them to develop, implement and evaluate sustainable and competitive solutions;
  • To disseminate the e-learning methodology near SME’s through training consultants’ guidance and counselling using ROI as a quality measurement tool.




  • CECOA – Vocational training Centre for the trade


  • BFI - Austria Berufsforderungsinstitut (Austria)
  • Forschungsinstitut Betriebliche Bildung (f-bb) gGmbH (Germany)
  • University of Tartu, Distance Education Centre (Estonia)
  • Confederació de Comerç de Calalunya (Spain)
  • ProfitWise (Netherlands)
  • NKI Distance Education (Norway)





November 2005 – November 2007



Leonardo da Vinci Programme – Pilot Projects


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


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