Start / Inovação no CECOA / Projetos internacionais / CompServ SME - Competencies Development through Self-learning in Service SME’s

CompServ SME - Competencies Development through Self-learning in Service SME’s


The project aims to develop and test self-learning tools addressed to empowering SME’s worker competencies of the services setor and through it to improve the quality and the work organisation towards a learning organisation.


Specific aims

  • To establish a common platform to guarantee a good partnership work and to raise the potential of sustainability of it;
  • To investigate the state of art in each region involved in order to be able to produce more users oriented products;
  • To develop a facilitator guide for facilitators that will support the learning process implementation in SME;
  • To develop a set of self-learning instruments aiming to create self-reflection processes to support development of competencies of workers and at the same time improvement in the organisation;
  • To test the set of tools in the different sub-setors in at least 5 organisations by region involved;
  • To analyse the results of the different sub-setors test in order to adjust the tools according to the commonalities and the differences detected and to finalise the package according to these results;
  • To monitor and evaluate the activities of the project and to elaborate an evaluation report;
  • To promote the dissemination and valorisation of the project results through several means: to create a website, to produce different diffusion materials like flyers, posters and newsletters, to organise events like conferences and stakeholders meetings.




  • Regional Development Agency Senec-Pezinok (Slovakia)



  • CECOA – Vocational Training Center for the Trade (Portugal)
  • AMU Center Aalborg (Denmark)
  • Gesellschaft für Ausbildungsforschung und Berufsentwicklung GdbR (Germany)
  • Landeshauptstadt München – Referat für Arbeit und Wirtschaft (Germany)
  • Malta Mentor Society (Malta)
  • Malta Federation of Industry (Malta)
  • Slovenská Zivnostenská komora (Slovakia)
  • Bratislavský samosprávny kraj (Slovakia)
  • Glasgow Opportunities (United Kingdom )
  • LEDA Partenariat Association ltd. (Italy)





October 2005 – September 2007



Leonardo da Vinci Programme – Pilot Projects

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


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