Start / Inovação no CECOA / Projetos internacionais / COMINTER - Implementation of a European Qualification Profile in International Trade

COMINTER - Implementation of a European Qualification Profile in International Trade



The general aim of the project is to produce and implement a common European qualification in International Trade.


Specific aims

  • Writing a common vocational profile in International Trade:
    • Finishing work on the vocational profile;
    • Defining common certification objectives.
  • Implementing training in national contexts:
    • Pinpointing specific characteristics of national vocational training systems;
    • Creating a methodology guide for implementing common profiles;
    • Implementing a common European qualification in International Trade.
  • Promoting mobility thanks to a modular approach:
    • Introducing the principles established by the ECVET group;
    • Building training units and modules.
  • Creating a network of Training Centres and Companies:
    • Producing a quality charter for companies in the network;
    • Building an efficient European network of training centres and companies.
  • Insuring the transferability and the sustainability of the project:
    • Producing an updating methodology of vocational profiles in association with social partners.




  • Centre international d’Etudes Pédagogiques – Centre de Ressources et d’Initiatives pour l’International – Ministère de l’ Éducation Nationale (France)



  • AGEFA-PME (France)
  • CECOA - Centro de Formação Profissional para o Comércio e Afins (Portugal)
  • Comite Paris des conseillers du commerce exterieur de la France (France)
  • Confédération française du commerce de gros et du commerce international (France)
  • Ente Bilaterale Nazionale Terziario ( Italy)
  • MUIR ( Italy)
  • IBS Alliance (The Netherlands)
  • KCHandel (The Netherlands)
  • NVG (The Netherlands)
  • OEEK ( Greece)
  • NCDVET ( Romania)
  • Centre of VET ( Slovenia)





October 2005 – September 2007



Leonardo da Vinci Programme – Pilot Projects


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


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