AVALNET - Training Evaluation and ROI Network
The general aim of the project is to provide useful, how-to information, current best practices and links to business results; to share new theories and their application; to report emerging trends and address the implication of relevant thematics in the field of training evaluation and ROI.
The main purpose of this network is the conception, deliver and transfer of innovative products in the field of assessment, evaluation and ROI, with a view to improve the quality of VET systems and practices throughout Europe.
Specific Aims
- To assemble the knowledge in the domain of training evaluation targeted to vocational training experts, training consultants and trainers, human resource managers and company managers, vocational training centres, social partners, public and private organizations operating in the field of education and vocational training;
- To improve the products of the ROI Project, in particular, the multimedia tools;
- To share experiences and promote innovation in the field of training evaluation and ROI by bringing together experts and specialized organizations;
- To identify trends and skills requirements in the area of training evaluation and ROI and to improve the anticipated benefits of vocational training initiatives;
- To publish the results of work undertaken by the network through relevant channels;
- To foster greater innovation and transnational co-operation in vocational training;
- To insure the project sustainability after the project financing, through the implementation of a plan of canvassing new partners and the involvement of potential network elements.
CECOA – Vocational Training Center for the Trade ( Portugal)
Website: www.cecoa.pt
Contact: Vanda Vieira
Znanie Association (Bulgaria)
Website: www.znanie-bg.org
Contact: Radosveta Drakeva
Tempo Training and Consulting (Czech Republic)
Website: www.tempo-eu.com/index.html
Contact: Martin Koval
Strandgaard Consulting (Denmark)
Website: www.strandgaard-consulting.dk
Contact: Trond Bjørge
Tulossilta OY (Finland)
Website: www.tulossilta.fi/index.html
Contact: Päivi Siltanen
IDEC - Industrial Development & Education Centre (Greece)
Website: www.idec.gr
Contact: Ilias Kyrgiopoulos
PROFITWISE (Netherlands)
Website: www.profitwise.info
Contact: Diederick Stoel
Kenniscentrum Handel (Netherlands)
Website: www.kchandel.nl
Contact: Rob van Wezel
CENFIM – Vocational Training Centre of the Metal Industry ( Portugal)
Website: www.cenfim.pt
Contact: Vitor Dias
FDTI – Foundation for Information Technology Dissemination ( Portugal)
Website: www.fdti.pt
Contact: António Gouveia
Catholic University of Portugal – Institute for Distance Education and Training (Portugal)
Website: www.ucp.pt
Contact: Carla Ganito
- Business Case CECOA 1
- Business Case CECOA 2
- Business Case ZNANIE
- Business Case TEMPO 1
- Business Case TEMPO 2
- Business Case Strandgaard Consulting
- Business Case IDEC
- Business Case Profitwise 1
- Business Case Profitwise 2
- Business Case Profitwise 3
- Business Case Profitwise 4
- Business Case Profitwise 5
- Business Case KCH
- Business Case CENFIM
- Business Case FDTI
- Business Case UCP
- Report about European Training, Evaluation and Profitability Benchmarking;
- European Skills Profile for ROI Training Consultants (professional profile);
- Results oriented training program (training profile);
- Project Newsletters;
- Online forum;
- Project Blog;
- Plan of canvassing new potential partners/experts to join the network;
- Kit for new potential partner;
- Valorization Plan.
January 2007 – May 2009
Leonardo da Vinci – Transnational Networks
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.