Membership & Networks
Early on, CECOA realised that a partnership based strategy, both at national and international level, could play an important role and act as a differentiation factor and that partnerships could be used successfully as source of innovation. CECOA works regularly with more than one hundred national and international partner institutions.
CECOA is member of several networks, working groups or associations, at national and European level, as follows:
- National network of centres dedicated to guidance, validation, assessment and certification of (formal, non formal and informal) skills and competences of Youth and Adults -
- National network of knowledge resources centres, a network of centres dedicated to provide VET providers and VET professionals with technical, pedagogical and informative support and resources from different knowledge areas -
- PT Learning Working Group, a national network aligned with the purpose of encouraging lifelong learning with the dissemination of best practice initiatives and the access to knowledge and problem solving results-oriented -
- National network RSO PT, a corporate social responsibility network -
- National Sectoral Council for Qualifications for the Commerce Sector -
- European Sectoral Skills Council Commerce -
- National REFERNET group, the European network for Vocational Education and Training -
- NETINVET, a network and an association promoting European mobility for learners completing vocational training in international trade and transports & logistics -
- EUMOVETRADE, a network promoting mobility and high quality work placements throughout Europe specially targeted to the commerce sector -
- EPRA, the European Peer Review Network, an association aiming at disseminating, supporting and further develop Peer Review as evaluation by colleagues in education and training institutions in the whole Europe -
If you have a good idea for a partnership in the Vocational Education and Training area and/or targeted to the Commerce and Services, don’t hesitate to contact us.