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Training Catalogue

CECOA provides Initial Training for Young People, Adult Education and Continuing Vocational Education and Training for individuals and for companies/organisations, tailor made and catalogue training, in the following main areas:

Marketing | Windows Dressing | Merchandising | Customers Service | Sales | Negotiation | Management | Administration | International Trade | Finances and Accounting | Logistics | Personal Development | Secretariat and Administrative Work | Foreign Languages | ICT | Training of Trainers.

Depending on the needs of the market, the training can take place in CECOA headquarters in Lisbon or in Oporto or Coimbra or in the facilities of partners we work with. Whenever tailor made to the needs of a company or organisation it can take place in their facilities.

More details about the different types of training we provide can be found in the following links:

Contact us


213 112 400 *


223 392 680 *


239 851 360 *

*Chamada para a rede fixa nacional