Business Solutions
There is no doubt regarding the importance of vocational education and training (VET) for companies as a way of adding value to their staff.
VET provides the acquisition and/or development of skills and competences required to solve business difficulties and challenges or necessary to the introduction of innovation in products, services and work processes, making companies increasingly able to anticipate and meet the challenges of a global and competitive market.
Aware that companies cares about their Human Capital and that business contexts are full of defies that companies have to overcome, CECOA offers different business training solutions, including: Continuing training (catalogue) | Continuing tailor-made training organised in order to fit the needs and demands of a company or organisation | Consultancy | Training of Trainers | Coaching | Seminars & Workshops.
We work with certified trainers and consultants specialised in their field of operation, with large business and pedagogical experience.
We develop high quality training proven by our clients’ level of satisfaction: 86% of our clients revealed a “good” or a “very good” level of satisfaction.
All training provided allows participants to get a certificate valid to fulfil the requirements of the Portuguese labour law regarding staff training.